DESCRIPTION --Chevy SBC 305 327 350 ram horn header set. -Finish: Chrome --Provides a tight fit for steering and clearance issues.
-Flows better than original Corvette manifolds. -Same performance as tube headers with classic ram horn styling. -2 1/2 Collector uses standard reducers or tight tube extensions. -Includes mounting hardware and gaskets. -Package: Including all items in the pictures. Note: Professional Installation Is Highly Recommended (No Instruction Included). Steering Wheel & Horn Button. Steering Shaft & U Joint. For SBC 283 305 327 350 400 Smooth Rams Horn Exhaust Manifolds Headers Chrome. Chevy SBC 305 327 350 ram horn header set.Provides a tight fit for steering and clearance issues. Flows better than original Corvette manifolds.
Same performance as tube headers with classic ram horn styling. 2 1/2 Collector uses standard reducers or tight tube extensions. Includes mounting hardware and gaskets. Package: Including all items in the pictures.